Saturday, April 9, 2016

Celebrating Failure

At the beginning of the semester, a band I really liked announced that they would be playing in Gainesville. Being a huge, I bought the tickets immediately and called my friend from my hometown(who is also a fan) to come visit and see them with me. Little did I know I had a test the day of and the day after. Because we had prepared so early, my friend had taken off of work and bought his ticket so I was reluctant to tell him not to come. I ended up getting a D on one test and failing the other. I learned that before making plans I need to make sure I have an open schedule around that time and also that I must prioritize school over everything, my friends best interest. Failure is something that heals with time and no matter how bad it may seem in the moment, it does get better. There is almost always a way to make up for what you've done wrong you just need to be willing. This class has really made me get out of my comfort zone so I am definitely more likely to take a risk now than 4 months ago. A lot of these assignments have made me realize how I used to psych myself out, thinking something isn't going to go well before it has even happened, but I've realized that it's all in my head for the most part.


  1. Hi Derek!

    I think everyone comes out of college with a similar story, so you are not alone. As students, we all make mistakes, and it seems like you learned from yours, which is the most important part. I agree that this class has helped in some ways to help me embrace failure and step out of my comfort zone.

    Here’s a link to my blog if you’re interested in checking out what I came up with for this post:

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Derek! Almost the exact same thing happened to me but I think it's something that we all go through because we want to have fun and forget about school sometimes. I'm an awful procrastinator so anything that can keep me from doing my schoolwork until the last possible moment is something that I seriously consider as an alternative. Check out my post at:

  3. Hey Derek! Great post, I think that the way it was structured and worded was very nice and easy to understand. I definitely agree with your point that school should always come before friends.
