Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 15 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
The article opened up with a very surprising story about theft and I wouldn't have expected that entrepreneurs would have to deal with such intimidating people.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was confused about the part where it mentioned how SKS's strategy was used to bypass the poverty eradication programs. I wish the author would have went more in depth with what it means and how it is important. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
Like mentioned above, I would ask him specifically how SKS's strategies was used to bypass the poverty eradication programs because I was a little confused about that in the reading. In a business sense, I would also ask how they got involved in working in a place like India because intuitively I don't see it as the best market to help a business. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
Unlike some other reading reflections, I didn't think the author was wrong about anything. I really support the help that he is doing for struggling communities. 

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