Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

I was very surprised to find out that adults only use up to 10% of their creative potential. When the author explains the definition of creativity, I do not necessarily agree with him saying “having the power to create(137).” There should be another definition that doesn’t involve the word “create” when explaining what “creativity” is. I would ask him for another way of explaining what creativity means. On page 140, I was confused as to what he meant by there being a major difference between an idea that arises from speculation and one that is the product of “…extended thinking, research, experience, and work.” Isn’t a good idea, a good idea—no matter where it came from? Finally, I really liked what he said in terms of recording and jotting down any intuitions or feelings and then going back to them later and determining their accuracy. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

  1. Lack of education: In many third world countries vast numbers of children aren’t able to get an education simply because it’s too expensive, leading them to live much less fortunate lives. It’s harder to find a job and support yourself and your family without going to school. The first world countries should all create programs that create schools in poverty stricken places.
  2. Global Warming: The heating of the atmosphere and waters due to carbon emissions is the biggest problem the world faces today. By reducing the amount of fossil fuels we intake and utilizing alternate forms of energy like wind and solar, we can begin to heal our planet.
  3. Disease: Sickness is the main cause of death in the world and it happens much more often in the undeveloped countries where hospitals are hard to find and they’re not cheap. Some of the main diseases that threaten humanity are Cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and respiratory disease. We need to fund more research that try curing these diseases or at least lessen their effect.
  4. War: Nations wage war due to territory, religion, and wealth at the cost of lives that range up to the millions. Now there is conflict with dictatorships like North Korea and Russia as well as Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram. Although it may never happen, optimally we would form a global society where every country can trade and co-exist with each other in peace.
  5. Racism: There still seems to be a huge problem with racism in this country as many innocent people are getting killed through racial profiling. These tragedies mainly involve police officers shooting young unarmed Africa-Americans usually merely based off suspicion. The police need to be required to have a video feed running that cant be tampered with and the police guilty of abusing their power need to be held responsible. In a broader scheme, we need to fundamentally change the way people view races as separate groups rather than a unified one.
  1. Racism: In a broader scheme, we need to fundamentally change the way people view races as separate groups rather than a unified one.
  2. Lack of education: The first world countries should all create programs that create schools in poverty stricken places.
  3. Global Warming: By reducing the amount of fossil fuels we intake and utilizing alternate forms of energy like wind and solar, we can begin to heal our planet.
  4. Disease: We need to fund more research that try curing these diseases or at least lessen their effect.
  5. War: Although it may never happen, optimally we would form a global society where every country can trade and co-exist with each other in peace

      For the problems, I initially thought that Global Warming was the obvious choice to take the first spot but as I was working on the list, I realized something -- By solving the problem of the lack of education, the whole world would become more conscious of our situation and we would fix the problem of climate change more efficiently (and many problems on my list). As for the solutions, I think ending racism would be the easiest. I believe we are in the generation where the people who hold racist views are dying out while their children grow up in a world that is diverse and multicultural. The millennials will then teach the same decency to their children and a new cycle will take place. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection

1)   The biggest surprise I had during the reading was the idea of how psychologically traumatizing a failed venture might be. I imagined entrepreneurs always confident and ready for the next opportunity.
2)   To what extent is optimism dangerous and pessimism necessary because the line between them seems blurry. He mainly talks about either side of the spectrum rather than where you should actually be.
3)   Questions
a.     What does the author mean when he says that there should be a constant awareness of opportunities everyday, and that a successful entrepreneur starts with one opportunity and their understanding of it will guide them through other issues? Maybe an example would help better explain.
b.     Why doesn’t the author emphasize the idea that going to college or getting a job in a corporation will help solve some of the problems that he pointed out?

4)   I don’t necessarily think the author is wrong about anything in particular but I do feel that he could have included more solutions to problems that he was bringing up because it felt a little discouraging. He possibly could have included advice from other entrepreneurs who have experienced similar shortcomings and how they dealt with them.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

1.    Royal Caribbean ship cancels Haiti visit amid protests
o   A cruise line has canceled their stop to Haiti's city of Labadee due to the protests that are erupting in the country. These riots were caused by their fall 2015 election being postponed and potentially fixed. Due to this situation, the company has decided to avoid visiting Haiti in concern for their guests.
o   The problem is that the cruise line isn't able to visit one of the stops that are scheduled for their guests.
o   The organization facing this problem is the popular cruise line Royal Caribbean. Although I have never been on one of their cruises before, I do know that they are one of the most successful businesses in that field.
2.    Shyp ships out of Miami
o   A shipping company started working in Miami November 2014 after having business in 2 other cities, New York and San Francisco. The company has ceased working there due to economical problems they were facing.
o   Their work in Miami has not been as profitable as they projected due to the absence of a Spanish language 'Shyp' app and a lack of south Floridians knowing about their operation.
o   Shyp is a shipping company providing on-demand courier and packaging services with rates comparable to UPS, FedEx, and USPS.
3.    Ana Veciana-Suarez: Color themes, matching towels and the perils of furnishing a son's apartment
o   A mother is having a hard time with her son moving out and furnishing his new apartment. He is moving over 1000 miles away to the midwest, for job in a city where he doesn't know anyone. The mom feels bittersweet about the situation.
o   Specifically she is struggling to find matching decor for his place and dreading the separation anxiety that is to come.
o   The person facing the problem is the mother, Ana Veciana-Suarez.
4.    Former worker sues iconic Miami Cuban restaurant Versailles, claiming unsanitary conditions, retaliation
o   An established Cuban restaurant in Miami is having a law suit filed against them by a former employee due to unsanitary conditions. The former assistant manager claims he brought attention to the matter but his bosses took no action. There is even speculation that the business put employees at undesirable work schedules so that they resign. 
o   The restaurant allegedly has had hair, glass, and even roaches in their food. There has been sexual misconduct and gender inequality said to be present as well.
o   Versailles is the Cuban restaurant that is under all this scrutiny.
5.    Wynwood artists sue celebrity pastor for using artwork without permission
o   During Art Basel 2014, eight artists volunteered to create murals on a struggling middle school in Wynwood, an art district in Miami. A well-known pastor, Rich Wilkerson Jr. has used these murals to advertise the church that he owns without any contact to the artists. These individuals are suing him for not legally using the content and he has yet to respond.
o   This pastor is taking the work of artists for his own material gain without giving any recognition.
o   The artists who aren't getting credit for their work are the ones facing the problem.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Very Short Interview No. 1

Danny Benavides is a founding partner and vice president of a software company and for the last 25 years, he have designed and developed new products to keep pace with the changes in technology and the needs of his clients.

1. What inspired you to start your path as an entrepreneur?

There were two motivating reasons for me to become an entrepreneur. The first was I wanted to take ownership of my career. I initially worked in a large corporation and as time went on I began to feel that my contribution to the overall success of the company was so small that any extra effort or ingenuity on my part had little effect on the company’s bottom line. This realization diminished my motivation and enthusiasm for my job. I wanted to feel that my efforts would have a direct effect on my career and the success of the company.
The second reason was my desire to be creative.  As a member of a large team my role was narrowly defined and any deviation from the master plan required me to explain my reasoning and then get approval from my supervisors and teammates. In short, I felt like a cog in a wheel.

2. What do you wish you were taught in school before becoming an entrepreneur?

The importance of being professional and prepared. For example, when I first began to interview for jobs while in college I thought my only responsibility was to show up on time and in a suit. I have since learned to do research on the job, company and industry for which I am interested. Not only does this prepare me to give a convincing interview or presentation but it also allows me to explore whether the job is a good fit for me. This also applies to starting and running your own business. I cannot show up for a meeting with a client or potential client without researching all aspects of our meeting and their needs in advance.

3. What advice would you give to anyone thinking about becoming an entrepreneur?

Mentorship and networking have been incredibly important in my career. Regardless of how novel your business idea, many aspects of running a business are the same and it is an invaluable education to observe how a successful individual or business functions. And to have access to individuals who can help you achieve your goals. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Even if you have entrepreneurial ambitions I believe it is beneficial to first work in a traditional job in the industry in which you have interest. This allows you to observe what works and what doesn’t and to discover possible mentors and develop a network. Every employee I have hired for my company is someone I either worked with in the past or met though some aspect of my business.


Danny is a close friend of my dads but I hardly knew anything about him originally because I don't get to see him often. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how experienced he was because this led to a great interview. I recognize the responses he gave me as such valuable knowledge that I am going to hold on to when I am pursuing my own career. I am glad I was able to participate in this assignment and I am excited to interview him again.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's Biggest Problems (and Solutions!)

  • ·      Global Warming: The heating of the atmosphere and waters due to carbon emissions is the biggest problem the world faces today. By reducing the amount of fossil fuels we intake and utilizing alternate forms of energy like wind and solar, we can begin to heal our planet.
  • ·      Racism: There still seems to be a huge problem with racism in this country as many innocent people are getting killed through racial profiling. These tragedies mainly involve police officers shooting young unarmed Africa-Americans usually merely based off suspicion. The police need to be required to have a video feed running that cant be tampered with and the police guilty of abusing their power need to be held responsible. In a broader scheme, we need to fundamentally change the way people view race as separate groups rather than a unified one.
  • ·      War: Nations wage war due to territory, religion, and wealth at the cost of lives that range up to the millions. Now there is conflict with dictatorships like North Korea and Russia as well as Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram. Although it may never happen, optimally we would form a global society where every country can trade and co-exist with each other in peace.
  • ·      Lack of education: In many third world countries vast numbers of children aren’t able to get an education simply because it’s too expensive, leading them to live much less fortunate lives. It’s harder to find a job and support yourself and your family without going to school. The first world countries should all create programs that create schools in poverty stricken places.
  • ·      Terrorism: There have been countless acts of terror done through out history but there has been an increase in these attacks within the last 15 years because of war and religion that ended in the deaths of innocent people. In this generation, the terrorism is caused mainly by Islamic extremist groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram and drone strikes done in retaliation to them. We need to come together globally to defeat the enemies causing this chaos and overwhelm any other dangerous groups beginning to form so that they don’t cause a threat.
  • ·      Disease: Sickness is the main cause of death in the world and it happens much more often in the undeveloped countries where hospitals are hard to find and they’re not cheap. Some of the main diseases that threaten humanity are Cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and respiratory disease. We need to fund more research that try curing these diseases or at least lessen their effect.
  • ·       Poverty: So many people are born into unprivileged lives and they usually have no way out. They have to work incredibly hard to just in the hopes of living a decent life and in many cases these people aren’t able to have the basic necessities like education, food, and shelter. The developed countries need to come together and implement programs that create jobs, schools, hospitals and other resources for these places in need so that they can live without struggling.
  • ·      Hunger: Like many of the other problems, hunger usually results from living in third world country where families don’t have enough money to feed themselves. Starvation is especially a problem for regions in Asia, Africa, and South America. This results in sickness and death for a substantial amount of people around the world. To help mend this problem we need to donate towards organizations that go to struggling areas and help create agriculture and other means for food.
  • ·      Gender Inequality: Surprisingly, females are still mistreated in today’s society. Apparently women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes, which is outrageous. Many women are on their own and need to support and themselves and their families but unfairly have a harder time because of their sex. We need to continue to create legislation that grants equality among genders and make sure employers are abiding by these laws.
  • ·       Nuclear Weapons: Although this could be grouped with war, I believe it is its own demon because of how devastating it would truly be. If both sides have nuclear arms and either side decided to initiate a first strike it would result in a huge genocide with no winner. All of the nations need to agree to completely disarm themselves of nuclear weapons so that no one has the power to use them. Some sort of surveillance will be needed to guarantee all countries are abiding by this law. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 2 Reading Reflection

I never knew the difference between entrepreneurs and economists. It is clearly a broad term, and they connect with each other. I’ve  also never taken an economy class so this book has a lot to offer me in terms of knowledge and important terms to know.  I also enjoyed reading  the “ Hot Trends to Watch” because it seemed like a reflection on what society is beginning to look like, such as many people becoming more “green” and gluten free. I would like to ask the author if he considers himself an entrepreneur, and what inspired him to write this book. I do not necessarily agree with him when he says that anyone can be an entrepreneur. I definitely think there are characteristics that are essential to be a successful one. Not everyone is a risk taker, and not everyone has the confidence to go into a career that is self-initiated. A fact that surprised me was that about half of all startups last between 5 and 7 years. Why does this happen and how much does a background in business and economics help with sustaining a startup for a longer period of time? I was confused as to what makes a gazelle different from a small business, as well as a business startup. At what point can these become corporations? 

Bug List

1.     Some bike racks around campus make it super inconvenient to securely lock your bike at the optimal place (through the back wheel and frame). WHY: poor design.
2.     My bike brakes will wear out to the point where they don’t slow me down at all. WHY: over usage causes them to lose its friction on the wheel.
3.     I have had so many pairs of headphones break on me for no apparent reason, whether it’s one of the sides not working or the cable needing to be in a specific position to work. WHY: either the companies are using cheap materials or they are just not made well.
4.     I hate when I put a poster up using some sort of tape or sticky material meant for hanging things and it falls down when a breeze comes in the door. WHY: perhaps the adhesive isn’t strong enough to hold the weight or it loses strength over time.
5.     When I’m playing a vinyl on my record player and it will start skipping back to the row before due to a speck of dust in the crevice. WHY: the record isn’t clean.
6.     When I’m showering and someone uses the faucet or flushes the toilet, the strength of the water gets much weaker. WHY: either a limited amount of water available or uneven distribution among the appliances.
7.     My laptop charger will slowly inch out of the outlet until I have to plug it in again because it’s so far out. WHY: the adapter that connects to the wall is too heavy. 
8.     Some AUX cords wont fit in my headphone port because my case blocks it. WHY: the case or the AUX is too bulky.
9.     When my bracelets get caught on a door handle or something protruding out like that and it breaks and the beads fly everywhere WHY: the elastic is too stretchy and thin.
10. When I’m finishing a bottle of toothpaste and there is a little left but it is impossible to get. WHY: there is too little left to push out.
11. When I try to charge my laptop and I have to flip it to the other side to work even though both sides should work. WHY: malfunctions with the chord.
12. When I send a video on my android to someone with an Iphone it comes out really blurry. WHY: the two operating systems aren’t very compatible.
13. When I’m sharpening my pencil in a manual sharpener and the point breaks off and gets stuck inside. WHY: the tip fits too tightly so when you take out the pencil the tip stays inside.
14. When I try to put my hair in a bun and my ponytail breaks. WHY: the elastic is weak.
15. Its really hard to wrap my bike light around my handle bars and it’s I have to redo the process every night I ride my bike because I’m afraid someone will steal it. WHY: the elastic is not stretchy or long enough.
16. I have notebooks that come with pockets for loose papers but its too small to fit any. WHY: it is only meant for the ripped out sheets from the notebook and not for the average 8x11 sheet.
17. When I turn on the garbage disposal, sometimes the food will shoot up out of the other side and dirty the clean dishes that are drying. WHY: The garbage disposal is too full.
18. The stoplight will signal the pedestrians to go but it also is green for the turning lane sometimes, so this will lead to drivers not paying attention to the people walking/riding and come very close to hitting them. WHY: they are supposed to wait for the people to cross but they aren’t focused on what’s around them.
19. I’ll make frozen food in my oven and follow the instructions exactly but it will still come out cold sometimes. WHY: the oven in my apartment doesn’t have a lot of power.
20. Ironically, certain types of deodorant will make my armpits sweat more so I am forced to buy a special brand. WHY: the ingredients affect people differently.

I enjoyed this exercise because it made me look at my daily life in a more critical way especially when I was figuring out why the “bugs” would happen. At first I found it easy but after I flushed out the main things that bothered me I had trouble finishing off the list.  I was coming up with a lot of them when I would choose a general topic (like my bike) and stem off of that. When I was out of ideas I found myself just walking around my apartment, looking for problems with any little thing.  This method eventually gave me enough ideas to complete the assignment.