Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

I took an American government class in high school and one of our projects involved starting a business. Each group had to create a pitch, a commercial, and estimate the expenses needed among other things.  Because I already had an interest in starting my own clothing company, I chose to base our project on a similar idea. It was to be a clothing brand that had a style that was simple yet distinct.  One without the in-you-face branding that most companies use but still distinguished enough to be recognizable. The store was also supposed to sell records, as I am huge fan of music. The company Urban Outfitters has a similar business plan, but rather than purchasing clothes from an array of different brands, it would be a singular brand that designed the clothes (me). I really enjoyed this project so for once I didn’t mind doing most of the work. I came up with all of the ideas for the scenes in the commercial and I single handedly presented the pitch because ultimately it was my idea for a business. Even though starting a company doesn’t really have anything to do with American government, I’m definitely glad it was assigned. That experience gave me so much more determination to be an entrepreneur and it still holds true to this day.

ENT 3003 is part of my innovation minor that was given to me upon arrival in the Innovation Academy but I could easily see myself taking this class regardless. I’m hoping this class will give me insight on what the mindset of an entrepreneur should be and how to apply it in my own life.


  1. Hi Derek, I enjoyed reading your post and am glad you shared your story about your unusual government project. It seems as if you have a good idea of where you want to be at professionally and I hope your dreams can become a reality. Additionally I think it is great that you have an idea for a clothing company at an early age and you share a similar drive to me in regards to venturing out on our own. Check out my story @ http://shamelesslylearning.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-entrepreneurship-story.html

    Cool blog title by the way.

  2. Hey Derek, I really enjoyed the video that you attached. It gave a nice visual of your entrepreneurship story. I thought it was interesting that this was done in government class but I guess that is what makes your story unique. I'm glad that it provided the drive you needed to become an entrepreneur. I also got my entrepreneurship experience from school. Here is a link to my post: http://feliciaent3003.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-entrepreneurship-story.html
