Friday, January 22, 2016

Very Short Interview No. 1

Danny Benavides is a founding partner and vice president of a software company and for the last 25 years, he have designed and developed new products to keep pace with the changes in technology and the needs of his clients.

1. What inspired you to start your path as an entrepreneur?

There were two motivating reasons for me to become an entrepreneur. The first was I wanted to take ownership of my career. I initially worked in a large corporation and as time went on I began to feel that my contribution to the overall success of the company was so small that any extra effort or ingenuity on my part had little effect on the company’s bottom line. This realization diminished my motivation and enthusiasm for my job. I wanted to feel that my efforts would have a direct effect on my career and the success of the company.
The second reason was my desire to be creative.  As a member of a large team my role was narrowly defined and any deviation from the master plan required me to explain my reasoning and then get approval from my supervisors and teammates. In short, I felt like a cog in a wheel.

2. What do you wish you were taught in school before becoming an entrepreneur?

The importance of being professional and prepared. For example, when I first began to interview for jobs while in college I thought my only responsibility was to show up on time and in a suit. I have since learned to do research on the job, company and industry for which I am interested. Not only does this prepare me to give a convincing interview or presentation but it also allows me to explore whether the job is a good fit for me. This also applies to starting and running your own business. I cannot show up for a meeting with a client or potential client without researching all aspects of our meeting and their needs in advance.

3. What advice would you give to anyone thinking about becoming an entrepreneur?

Mentorship and networking have been incredibly important in my career. Regardless of how novel your business idea, many aspects of running a business are the same and it is an invaluable education to observe how a successful individual or business functions. And to have access to individuals who can help you achieve your goals. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Even if you have entrepreneurial ambitions I believe it is beneficial to first work in a traditional job in the industry in which you have interest. This allows you to observe what works and what doesn’t and to discover possible mentors and develop a network. Every employee I have hired for my company is someone I either worked with in the past or met though some aspect of my business.


Danny is a close friend of my dads but I hardly knew anything about him originally because I don't get to see him often. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how experienced he was because this led to a great interview. I recognize the responses he gave me as such valuable knowledge that I am going to hold on to when I am pursuing my own career. I am glad I was able to participate in this assignment and I am excited to interview him again.

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