Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's Biggest Problems (and Solutions!)

  • ·      Global Warming: The heating of the atmosphere and waters due to carbon emissions is the biggest problem the world faces today. By reducing the amount of fossil fuels we intake and utilizing alternate forms of energy like wind and solar, we can begin to heal our planet.
  • ·      Racism: There still seems to be a huge problem with racism in this country as many innocent people are getting killed through racial profiling. These tragedies mainly involve police officers shooting young unarmed Africa-Americans usually merely based off suspicion. The police need to be required to have a video feed running that cant be tampered with and the police guilty of abusing their power need to be held responsible. In a broader scheme, we need to fundamentally change the way people view race as separate groups rather than a unified one.
  • ·      War: Nations wage war due to territory, religion, and wealth at the cost of lives that range up to the millions. Now there is conflict with dictatorships like North Korea and Russia as well as Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram. Although it may never happen, optimally we would form a global society where every country can trade and co-exist with each other in peace.
  • ·      Lack of education: In many third world countries vast numbers of children aren’t able to get an education simply because it’s too expensive, leading them to live much less fortunate lives. It’s harder to find a job and support yourself and your family without going to school. The first world countries should all create programs that create schools in poverty stricken places.
  • ·      Terrorism: There have been countless acts of terror done through out history but there has been an increase in these attacks within the last 15 years because of war and religion that ended in the deaths of innocent people. In this generation, the terrorism is caused mainly by Islamic extremist groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram and drone strikes done in retaliation to them. We need to come together globally to defeat the enemies causing this chaos and overwhelm any other dangerous groups beginning to form so that they don’t cause a threat.
  • ·      Disease: Sickness is the main cause of death in the world and it happens much more often in the undeveloped countries where hospitals are hard to find and they’re not cheap. Some of the main diseases that threaten humanity are Cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and respiratory disease. We need to fund more research that try curing these diseases or at least lessen their effect.
  • ·       Poverty: So many people are born into unprivileged lives and they usually have no way out. They have to work incredibly hard to just in the hopes of living a decent life and in many cases these people aren’t able to have the basic necessities like education, food, and shelter. The developed countries need to come together and implement programs that create jobs, schools, hospitals and other resources for these places in need so that they can live without struggling.
  • ·      Hunger: Like many of the other problems, hunger usually results from living in third world country where families don’t have enough money to feed themselves. Starvation is especially a problem for regions in Asia, Africa, and South America. This results in sickness and death for a substantial amount of people around the world. To help mend this problem we need to donate towards organizations that go to struggling areas and help create agriculture and other means for food.
  • ·      Gender Inequality: Surprisingly, females are still mistreated in today’s society. Apparently women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes, which is outrageous. Many women are on their own and need to support and themselves and their families but unfairly have a harder time because of their sex. We need to continue to create legislation that grants equality among genders and make sure employers are abiding by these laws.
  • ·       Nuclear Weapons: Although this could be grouped with war, I believe it is its own demon because of how devastating it would truly be. If both sides have nuclear arms and either side decided to initiate a first strike it would result in a huge genocide with no winner. All of the nations need to agree to completely disarm themselves of nuclear weapons so that no one has the power to use them. Some sort of surveillance will be needed to guarantee all countries are abiding by this law. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Derek! Your post is amazing and very eye opening. Thank your for posting this. You and I wrote something very similar but you broke things down while I put two problems into one category like "Discrimination", where I was able to include both gender inequality and racism. However, unlike you I wasn't able to go into more detail. I also forgot to include the problems with the use of nuclear weapons, which is a very serious issue considering that a country who is equipped with such a dangerous weapon could wipe out a whole city if they wanted to.

    You can check out my post by clicking the link below.
